The format for the steering committee was developed during the summer of 2010 by an advisory group consisting of the NSERC mathematics and statistics liaison committee, the presidents of the CMS, CAIMS and the SSC, directors of the mathematical sciences institutes, and NSERC staff. The decision to have nine members reflected the goal of breadth, while keeping the committee small enough to function effectively. An invitation for suggestions for members was sent to the three societies’ membership lists. While recognizing that having committed members with a broad perspective was paramount, attempts were made to balance the membership across statistics, pure mathematics, applied mathematics and institute directors; across Canada; and across a range of university sizes.
Alejandro Adem is Professor of Mathematics and Canada Research Chair at the University of British Columbia, and Director of the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences. His research interests vary widely over topics in algebraic topology, cohomology of groups and related areas. He has held positions at Stanford University and at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he served a term as department chair. He has served on both the scientific panel and board of directors of BIRS, PIMS and MSRI, and is a member of the AMS Council. His awards include a Sloan Dissertation Fellowship, a WARF Romnes Fellowship and an NSF Young Investigator Award. Email: director
Edward Bierstone is Director of the Fields Institute and a professor in the Department of Mathematics of the University of Toronto. His research areas are algebraic geometry and singularities of differentiable functions. His honours include Fellowship in the Royal Society of Canada (1992), an invited address at the American Mathematical Society Annual Meeting (1997),the Jeffery-Williams Prize of the Canadian Mathematical Society (2005), and the Excellence in Teaching Award of the CMS (2008). Email: bierston
Eddy Campbell is President and Vice-Chancellor and professor of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of New Brunswick. His research program addresses the modular invariant theory of finite groups, which is the study of symmetries of shapes and surfaces by means of their algebraic properties. He is a past President of the Canadian Mathematical Society. He currently serves on NSERC Council, its committee on Research Integrity and its Executive Committee. He is on the Board of Directors of MITACS and serves on its Investment and Executive Committees. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Atlantic Provinces Economic Council and serves on the New Brunswick Business Council, the NB Energy Task Force, and the NB PostSecondary Education Advisory Council. Email: eddy
Charmaine Dean is Professor of Statistics and Dean of Science at the University of Western Ontario. Her research interest lies in the development of methodology for disease mapping, longitudinal studies, the design of clinical trials, spatio-temporal analyses, and in the study of climate change impacts, particularly related to the area of forestry. She was 2007 President of the Statistical Society of Canada and 2002 President of the International Biometrics Society, Western North American Region. She has served as Chair of the NSERC Statistical Sciences Grant Selection Committee and the Discovery Accelerator Supplement Committee for the Mathematical and Physical Sciences. She is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Email: dean
Christian Genest is Professor of Statistics and Canada Research Chair in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at McGill University, Montréal. His research interests are in dependence modeling and nonparametric inference based on ranks. He has published extensively in statistics journals and collaborates regularly with researchers in finance, insurance, and hydrology. He is a past-president of the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) and the Association des statisticiennes et statisticiens du Québec (ASSQ). A fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA) and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS), he was the first recipient of the mid-career award in statistics jointly sponsored by the SSC and the Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM) in Montréal. Email: cgenest
Gail Ivanoff (ex-officio) is Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Ottawa. She is a probability theorist, with research interests in the dynamic properties of multiparameter and set-indexed stochastic processes, including the theory and applications of multiparameter martingales, renewal theory and change-set detection. She is currently NSERC Group Chair for EG 1508 (Mathematics & Statistics). Email:
Niky Kamran is a James McGill Professor of Mathematics at McGill University. His research interests are in differential geometry and mathematical physics. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and he was a Killam Research Fellow in 2007-2008. He was the first recipient of the Andre Aisenstadt Prize and he is a Prize Laureate of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Belgium. Email: nkamran
Rachel Kuske is Professor and Canada Research Chair in Applied Mathematics at UBC and Senior Advisor to the Provost on Women
Facult. Kuske’s mathematical interests cover modeling in stochastic dynamics, mathematical biology, and complex patterns. Her service includes editorial boards for SIAM Review and SIAM J. Applied Math, chairing the NSERC GSC in Pure and Applied Math, and leadership positions as Associate Director of AIM and Director of the Mentor Network for the AWM.
Mark Lewis is Senior Canada Research Chair in Mathematical Biology at the University of Alberta. His research interests are mathematical ecology, dynamical systems and problems in environmental biology. He is a past-president of the Society for Mathematical Biology (SMB). He has served on the Boards of several mathematics institutes including: Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences (PIMS), Mathematics in Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS) and the Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI), and has also served NSERC as a Grant Selection Committee member. His awards include the Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, US National Young Investigator, and Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society Research Prize. Email: mlewis
Nancy Reid is University Professor and Canada Research Chair in Statistical Methodology at the University of Toronto. Her research interests are in statistical theory, likelihood inference, and design of studies. She is a past-president of the Statistical Society of Canada and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS), and a past member of NSERC Council. She is a Fellow of the RSC, AAAS, IMS, and the American Statistical Association. Her awards include the Krieger-Nelson prize of the Canadian Mathematical Society and the Gold Medal of the Statistical Society of Canada. Email: reid
Anne-Marie Thompson, NSERC (ex-officio). Anne-Marie joined NSERC in 2009 as the Director of Physical and Mathematical Sciences within the Research Grants and Scholarships Directorate. Since earning her master’s degree in environmental engineering from Carleton University, her career within the public service has included positions at Environment Canada, Natural Resources Canada and National Defence. Through her previous and current positions, she has had the opportunity to collaborate extensively with several sectors of the research community in the delivery of federal research programs.